Hedeby/Haithabu Type 3 Turn Shoe.
Die Lederfunde von Haithabu – Von Willy Groenman-van Waatetinge 1984, page 31 fig 2
Spurensuche Haithabu – Kurt Schietzel 2014, page 216
Whilst these are based on the Hedeby/Haithabu shoe, similar examples are found throughout the early Medieval world. Other examples ( some fragmentary) have been found in the following locations:
Wielenbach, Upper Bavaria 8th century
We are delighted to offer for sale these close copies of the original shoes.
The uppers are made from 2-2.5mm Veg tan cow hide joined by hand sewn seam down the front of the shoe.
The soles are 4-6 mm veg-tan cow hide, Hand sewn using the original method and have an internal heal support. The shoes are closed by a leather Thong.
Suitable for portrayal of a 9th – 10th C ‘European’ persona.
These shoes are accepted for use within:
The Vikings (NFPS)
Regia Anglorum.
Historia Normannis
Many other Groups and Societies also accept these for use, if in doubt please check with your group/society Authenticity/Provenance Officer or refer to your kit Guides. If you would like to add your Group or Society to the above list please let us know.