Top Lace Turn Shoe 10th – 13thC


Hand made provenanced turn shoes for early medieval historical representations from Merchant of Menace, in stock ready to ship.


London, Guildhall, Opera L94. Norman Turn Shoe, 12th-13th Century & York, Coppergate 3b2

We are delighted to offer for sale these close copies of the original shoes.

The uppers are made from 2-2.5mm Veg tan cow hide joined by hand sewn edge butted seams.

The soles are thick 4 mm+ veg-tan cow hide, the soles are hand sewn using the original type 1 method (grain/flesh & tunnel Stitch) and have a round toe and a triangular heal raiser (type a) .

The shoes are closed by a draw string and integral slot method.

Suitable for portrayal of a 9th-13th C ‘European’ persona.

These shoes are officially certified & encouraged for use by:

The Vikings

Regia Anglorum.

Historia Normannis. Female T- Universal, Male T- Universal



10th-11th C -Leather and Leather working in Anglo-Scandinavian and Medieval York – Q.Mould, I.Carlisle & E.Cameron, Type 3 subcategory b2. (heal raiser is not true to find but added for longevity of the shoe)

11th-13th C – The London Guildhall, An archaeological history of a neighbourhood from early to modern times, Part 1, Bowsher, Dyson, Holder & Howell, L92,93,94 & 95

Whilst these are based on the London shoe similar examples are found throughout the 9th-13th Century world. Other examples ( some fragmentary) have been found in York, Oslo, Schleswig, Gdansk, Leiden & Rouen.

Many other Groups and Societies also accept these for use, if in doubt please check with your group/society Authenticity/Provenance Officer or refer to your kit Guides. If you would like to add your Group or Society to the above list please let us know.

***** Footed hoes and Wife’s leg not included!****

Additional information

Shoe Size

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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